Welcome to The Organic Store
The Organic Store is a retail arm of the The BHU Organics Trust. We are a Charitable trust and in a joint venture with Lincoln University and the New Zealand Organic movement. The BHU is dedicated to providing education, training and research in organic, ecological, permanent and related agricultures and horticultures.
There are three main sections within the trust:
- The BHU Organic Training College.
- The BHU Future Farming Centre, which delivers science and extension for agriculture and horticulture.
- These are supported by The BHU Farm, situated at Lincoln University, and overseen by the Trust Board.
Introducing... How Does Your Garden Grow?

The BHU Organics College and the Bio- Protection Research Centre at Lincoln University has developed with Kings Seeds, an inexpensive kit for gardeners and schools to use to answer some of these questions.